An unfortunate week for Connie…

An unfortunate week for Connie…

Whilst we are still in lockdown and unable to compete yet, it’s great to see some restrictions being lifted allowing us to take horses away from home to train.. Is that finally a light at the end of the tunnel..?!
Whilst a lot of people managed to get out training last week, we had a fairly quiet week at home as I unfortunately had a fall out hacking. Poor horse didn’t do anything wrong or naughty, literally just tripped and fell over whilst going round the fields. Thankfully he is no worse for wear, but I’ve had to take a bit of a quiet week after I was knocked out. After a brief stay in hospital I’ve been on ‘box rest’ at home with a nasty concussion.
I’m so lucky to have a great support system at home, so a massive thank you must go to my amazing home team and parents for keeping things going whilst I’ve been off games and my mates from around the country that have kept checking in on me and lifting my spirits.
Fingers crossed that it’s not too long till I’m back in the saddle and we can get out and about again!

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