Birthdays and more yard developments

Birthdays and more yard developments

Another few weeks go by and we aren’t really any closer to getting back competing again. Although BE have released their proposed social distancing protocols for events moving forward – it’s hard to see how many events will be able to afford to run without the income from spectators and trade stands etc. The ground is also now like concrete after weeks of glorious weather so we aren’t in a rush to get out anyway!
The slight relaxation of lockdown has meant we have managed to get the horses back out to the beach which provided a much needed change of scenery from our exhausted hacking roots.
Thankfully, I have been allowed to resume teaching again and it has been nice to see some familiar faces again after pretty much not seeing anybody but family for 8 weeks.
The yard developments continue and I have been busy this week painting the tack room to try and brighten things up and the dressage and jumping field is freshly mown ready for some action. My next project is channeling my inner course building skills – cutting up some fallen trees and trying to make some jumps for the babies.
It wasn’t exactly the best time to have a birthday not being able to see anyone properly but still managed to eat lots of cake. Hope everybody is staying well and keeping safe.

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