The Wesko Equestrian Foundation, and members of the Young Riders Programme have enjoyed much coverage in the national press.

Ebony Partnership in Horse & Hound
Coverage of the Foundation's new partnership with the Ebony Horse Club was featured in both Horse & Hound online and print, along with other titles such as Pony, Horse & Rider, Equestrian Life and Eventing Nation.

2021 Riders Announced
Along with existing media partners we were pleased to see our new intake of riders feature in Horse & Rider.

Re-brand in Eventing Nation
Coverage of the Foundation's re-brand in US based Eventing Nation, offering the Foundation global coverage.

Young Riders Pathway Announced
Coverage of the Young Eventers Pathway launch was featured in Horse & Hound, Horse & Rider and international publications such as An Eventful Life.

Wesko Foundation in Horse & Hound
Coverage of the Foundation's re-brand featured both in Horse & Hound's digital coverage as well as their print magazine.

Mainstream Coverage
Alongside the equestrian media coverage, both the re-brand and Young Eventers Pathway gained coverage in mainstream digital news channels

Distribution of the FEI:RIDE Programme Globally
The Foundation's feature within the FEI: RIDE programme was featured globally, including via Australian publication Equestrian Life.

Horse & Hound Podcast
Members of the Foundation and riders joined Champion Equestrian Wear on the Horse & Hound Podcast
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